Motor Claims Framework

The Motor Claims Framework (MCF) was set up to provide clear and common procedures for the reporting of motor accidents. The MCF is fully supported by all insurers in Singapore. The MCF provides motorists with an enhanced claims experience and at the same time, helps contain claims costs for insurers.



1. What follow-up action should a motorist take if another motorist offers to compensate him for damages caused to his vehicle at the point of the accident?

Even if the parties agree to a private settlement, a report to the respective insurers is still required for record purposes.


2. The MCF prescribes that the motorists need to take down the other party’s particulars (NRIC, name, telephone number, address, insurer & digital photo of accident) after an accident. What happens if the other party refuses to give any of the details and stops me from taking any photographs? Can we still report the accident to our insurer?

If the other motorist is not cooperative in furnishing his particulars, you should still take down the vehicle registration number. The GIA reminds all motorists that according to the MCF all motorists now have to report to their insurers any accident, no matter how small.


3. The MCF states that if we are involved in accident, major or minor, we need to follow 3 steps that were issued by the GIA. Being a rider, if I was injured in an accident, it would be impossible for me to follow the 3 steps that were given. By not complying with these 3 steps could my claim be invalid?

The GIA introduces the 3 steps reporting process to make it easy for drivers to remember what to do in an accident. If the circumstances are such that it is impossible for the motorist to follow the 3 steps, insurers will give special consideration to the claim. Just as a reminder to everyone, the three steps are:

1) Exchange particulars and take note of vehicle numbers – riders can do this;
2) Call your insurer’s hotline for a tow truck – this may be applicable to riders in some cases;
3) Report and take your vehicle, damaged or not, to the approved reporting centre or authorized workshop within 24 hours – riders can do this in most cases.


4. Under the new MCF, what happens if the accident involves a foreign Vehicle (e.g. Malaysian registered Car) and the driver refuses to exchange particulars?

If the other motorist is not cooperative in furnishing his particulars, the owner should still take down the vehicle registration number. For an accident involving a Malaysian vehicle, a police report is required.


5. If I have an accident and the other driver bangs my car in the rear, can I go back to my own designated workshop after reporting to my own insurance company within 24 hours?

Please refer to your own insurer on the terms and conditions of the policy you purchased from them.


6. Is it compulsory for me to go back to my authorised workshop even though it is not my fault?

Please refer to your own insurer on the terms and conditions of the policy you purchased from them.


7. If the accident happens on the weekend, does the 24 hours rule still apply?

The MCF states that the end of the next working day is the timeframe for reporting – meaning if the accident happens on a Saturday night, then Monday would be the next working day.


8. If I have a serious accident in Malaysia and have problems towing the car back to Singapore, will I be penalised when I am unable to report within the stipulated 24 hours?

You will not be penalised for late reporting if you have a valid reason like the example cited above.


9. I understand that every accident must now be reported. Would it be possible for some kind of memorandum of agreement to be signed by both parties in very minor accidents where two parties agree to settle on their own?

A memorandum of agreement would be a private matter between the two parties, but it would not alter the requirement under the MCF that both parties now have to make a report to their insurers. A memorandum of agreement should not supercede or be regarded as a substitute for this process.


10. I am a new driver and I heard most of my friends and colleagues said that once you reported a minor accident to my insured policy company, your premium on next renewal would be heavily increased. If so, I would think that most motorists would not report minor accidents based on MCF method; they would prefer to settle privately. Please advise.

The GIA reminds all motorists it is now their duty to report all accidents, no matter how small and regardless of whether or not there has been damage to their vehicle. The consequent impact on NCD and premiums are not affected by the MCF and will be determined by the outcome of the insurer’s investigations into the accident.


11. We are a motor rental company and there are several concerns that need to be addressed.

i) Our main concern is that as most of our hirers are foreigners, they would therefore be unfamiliar with this. And furthermore if the accident vehicle is still drivable, they would likely to report to us only when they return the vehicle to us which might be more than 24 hours after the accident. If this is the case, how would this affect us? Would the insurance company still extend coverage after the given 24 hour period?

Kindly refer to the terms and conditions of your insurance policies regarding your rental fleet. The 24 hour requirement will apply to all vehicles including rentals. We also encourage you to highlight this requirement to your hirer when he collects the car.


12. We are a motor rental company and there are several concerns that need to be addressed.

ii) It is also reported in the newspapers that in the event of accident, vehicle owners will contact the insurance companies and the insurers will make the necessary arrangements for the insured. Does this apply to us? If our hirers have an accident in Malaysia, what would the procedures be like?

Please check with your own insurer on the procedure for accident in Malaysia. Each insurer may have his own arrangements with towing companies in Malaysia.